He offered them beauty but by their own choice couldn't have it.
"Drawing near to God always begins in a heart that fears and loves God more than anyone or anything else. It is not just outward actions, but the hearts motive."
NOTHING CAN STOP THE FAVORRRR OF THE LORDDDD -sorry it's just a Israel Houghton kind of day. And how can you just not help but blurt out his songs? Riiii?!
Man I'm having issues it's taken me like 30 minutes to write 4 sentences. Yikes! k game face:
All of this and really the purpose of this blog is coming from reading "Drawing Near" by John Bevere, and the chapter about the fear of the Lord was legit, and I wanted to share my thoughts mixed with what he writes about, so here goes...
You will not be all that God has created you for and you will not reach all that God has destined for you if you do not have the fear of the Lord.
There are tons of Christians out there who are saved and claim God as their Lord and Savior, but they don't fear a God who is to be feared and revered as holy. God is not on the same level as us. He can take as fast as he gives. We serve an all-knowing, all-powerful God. The maker of Heaven and Earth. Alpha and Omega. He was and is! We serve a living God that is to be honored with the utmost respect. A God who bore a sinners cross, died to save us when we were undeserving, but rose again, and reigns! How can you not fear our God! "God says no one can draw near by holding him in light esteem or regarding Him as common."
I think sometimes we take our salvation lightly. We accept God, we claim Him as God, but we don't live our lives as if we were living for God. "The root of sin is the lack of the fear of the Lord." Our God is a forgiving God, but everyone will be judged according to our actions, good or bad. "It is not the love of God that keeps us from sin, but the fear of the Lord." "Let us cleans ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Cor. 7:1)
"God shares his secrets with those who have His heart and have laid down their lives- those He calls friends." "Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear him, with them he shares the secrets of His covenant." Psalm 25:14
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning or starting point for knowing God intimately."
I don't live for an average God, I live for the only God worth living for. A God we owe our lives to. A God that loves us in our imperfection. A God that never leaves our side. Are you living for what you treat and see as an average God or are you living for the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, the living God.